
Se afișează postări din februarie, 2018

ORWO Color

Am prins vremurile cand filmul ORWO Color era pe toate drumurile insa nu imi mai amintesc paleta de culori. Daca pozele de la link-ul urmator sunt originale, "skin tone-ul" (nuanta pielii) era fantastic. Din pacate, nu pot include o fotografie ca ilustratie, va trebui sa vizitati adresa ( edit: am sa includ totusi o captura de ecran a ceea ce afiseaza motorul de cautare Google). A brief historical review of the GDR granted photographer Jürgen Angelow in the Coultique Exclusive route "Orwo Color". The brand ORWO stands for Original Wolfen and had a monopoly in the former GDR in terms of film production, also in the field of photography. In the track is also a Trabant used. The VEB Automobile Plant Zwickau began in 1958 with the mass production of this small car. Fotomodele in costume de baie.